First Sunday of each month – Bread & Wine
All ages stay together in church for this service, which is shorter and more informal, lasting about forty-five minutes. There is a short talk, some hymns / songs led by our informal worship band, and Holy Communion. Younger people are often specially encouraged to assist with parts of the service. Afterwards there is ‘Tea and Toast’ in the Church Hall – tea, coffee, squash, and toast with lots of different toppings!
Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sundays of each month – Parish Communion
This service uses the modern language of the Church of England’s Common Worship book.
This lasts just over an hour, with two or three Bible readings, a sermon / talk, prayers, and Holy Communion. We sing hymns or songs led by our choir and organ and are invited to join in singing some other parts of the service too. There are children’s groups which go to the Hall for part of the service for their own worship and activities before joining the service in church for Holy Communion. Do come over to the Church Hall, where tea, coffee, squash and biscuits are served after the service.