
Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care means caring for everyone of all ages and all stages of life within our community and as members of God’s Church we need to meet and help people in our daily lives.
Caring for every one is a key part of our parish’s work.
It doesn’t necessarily mean a visit from the vicar, clergy or ministry team. It means every one of us needs to be involved: it means anyone who cares about people and who wants to show God’s love.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another – Romans 12; 15 &16.

A small Pastoral Care Team has received training and DBS checks to be able to offer:
Listening: some people may like a chance to talk or pray with someone, so one of the Pastoral Care Team will be available in the Lady Chapel after the 10am service on all Sundays of the month except the first.
Taking Home Communion to those not able to get to church or unable to get to church for any length of time due to temporary incapacity.
Visiting people in their homes and in hospital and those who have been bereaved.
Involvement with the All Souls Service: sending out invitations to the service.
Remembering anniversaries: sending out cards on the 1st anniversary.

Everyone’s participation in the care of others is important, and the team is always anxious to know of anyone who is in need of a visit. We live in a large parish and neither the ministerial team nor the Pastoral Care Group can keep up with everyone all the time. We don’t want anyone to slip through the net so everyone’s participation in the care of others is important. Messages can be left on the Parish Office telephone: 0118 9668575.